Have you sent your EoP Infusion Pump through the laundry yet? Lost it? Given it away?
We understand! Many of us here at Perelandra have washed at least one EoP Pump. We've given away a few too. That gave us an idea:
Discounted EoP Infusion Pump 5 Packs!
A capped EoP Pump is £8.50, but in a 5 Pack they are £7.50 each. You'll save £5.
With this combo on hand, you can replace the one you've washed, lost or "loaned" and have a few back-ups for next time. It's also the best way to get an EoP Pump for everyone in your family.
Helpful hint: Since the EoP Infusion Pump is not intended to be taken orally, we recommend you get the organic distilled white vinegar preservative. That way, when you occasionally give one away, you won't have to hesitate if the person shouldn't have brandy in their pocket.
Regular price for 5 EoP Infusion Pumps: £42.50
Discounted price when you buy a 5 Pack: £37.50
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© Copyright Perelandra.
With kind permission from Perelandra, Centre for Nature Research.
weight: 105g