About the Virus and Bacteria Solutions.
We can't emphasize enough how important these two Solutions are and why you'll want to take both daily, year-round.
Climate change has changed the world's health. The global microbial population is adjusting and migrating to new areas, causing new and more difficult problems for humans. Unfamiliar microbial patterns are flying around the globe and modifying rapidly as humans pass things around. The bottom line: We are in a new world.
Machaelle and nature answered the challenge, and in August 2017, we announced this extraordinary development. The Perelandra Virus and Bacteria Solutions offer broad support for health in this new world.
We'd love to explain these Solutions in great detail. Unfortunately, we have to dance around this information because we need to accommodate FDA guidelines. (And if you think reading this description is difficult, you should have been at the meeting where we had to figure out how to talk about these unique Perelandra Solutions!)
Still, we're determined to get across to you how important these two Solutions are, and why you'll want to take both daily.
In the Microbial Balancing Program Workshop, Machaelle presented extensive facts and references about how microbes are affecting our global health. She commented that she wouldn't be surprised if scientists started linking all kinds of illnesses to microbes. That was in 1999. Since then, scientists' understanding of microbes has grown. We're reading new articles regularly about microbes and how they link to common illnesses. The health impacts have blown up exponentially. Machaelle has understood for a long time that most health issues, serious or not, are likely activated by microbes.
The patterns of the Virus and Bacteria Solutions zero-in where things first go off the rails. They provide a targeted monitoring, and they disrupt and eliminate "microbial misbehavior."
NOTE: If you arrived at this page in search of that bottle we used to offer - the Seasonal Balancing Solution, you need to know we no longer offer it. With the pattern changes required to take into account all of that climate change activity, what used to be the Seasonal Balancing Solution has been replaced with two different and separate patterns with separate focuses:
- Virus Solution
- Bacteria Solution
Each pattern is working from the perspective of a different group of microbes (hence the distinguishing "virus" and "bacteria" in the names). So break out of your notion of what the old "Seasonal Balancing Solution" could do. That's still in there, but these two Solutions provide much broader, deeper and different coverage. This is a whole new ball game!
The Virus and Bacteria Solutions are for humans only. They are not to be given to animals or plants. These Solutions do not contain any virus or bacteria. They contain an electric pattern infused in water and preserved with either brandy or distilled white vinegar.
Also, if you too are friends with your microbes and protective of the little buggers, you'll be happy to know: No viruses or bacteria were harmed in the making of these Solutions!
- Under normal circumstances, take one time daily.
- When addressing a specific issue or heightened activity in your area, take twice daily until the issue is fully addressed or activity has passed.
Here's what else you'll need to know:
- Adult dosage for each Solution is 10 drops.
- Children up to 12 years old — take 5 drops per dose.
- Don't take them at the same time as other Perelandra Solutions or Essences (except when they're part of a PIC Unit).
- Don't eat or drink anything 10 minutes before, or 10 minutes after.
- If you're taking both of them, you can take them at the same time, just wait 10 seconds between each dose. Don't mix them together.
- If you're on the once-daily dosage track, you can take your dose(s) any time of day.
- If you're taking your dose(s) twice daily, you'll take your first dose in the morning and the second dose in the evening.
How long one bottle will last:
A 2-oz. bottle will last one adult about 4 months when taking it once daily. Taken twice daily, a 2-oz. bottle will last an adult about 2 months. (If either Solution is also part of a PIC unit, you'll finish a 2-oz. bottle faster, of course.)
Can a dose be diluted?
If you're an adult or teenager (13 years old and up) — no, you cannot dilute these Solutions. For children 12 years and younger, each dose can be diluted and administered separately. The ratio is 15 drops of Virus or Bacteria Solution into 2-oz. (or less) of tepid water. The child must drink all of the water.
Which Solution replaces the old, annual Seasonal Solution?
Ideally, both of them: Virus and Bacteria. But if you choose to take only one at this time, start by taking the Virus Solution.
Is there any overlap between the Nature Program V1, V2, B1 and B2 Essences and the Virus Solution or Bacteria Solution?
No. The Solutions are doing something completely different than the Essences.
Is there any problem with taking the Bacteria Solution when I'm also taking an antibiotic?
No. The Solution is doing something completely different than the antibiotic.
Would the Virus Solution help with _______?
Yes. If you're considering this question, give the Solution a try.
Would the Bacteria Solution help with _______?
Yes. If you're considering this question, give the Solution a try.
Learn more about what to expect from this "One Bite" article:
A Heads Up About the Bacteria Solution and Virus Solution
Some general examples and reasons why you'd want to take the Virus and Bacteria Solutions:
- Something (anything) has SNAFU'd health-wise. Take both Solutions, twice daily.
- Something has SNAFU'd health-wise, you know it's microbial, and you know it's a certain group of microbes. Take the one that applies twice daily.
- You're surrounded by people who are going down before your very eyes, you know it's microbial, and it's spreading. Take the specific related Solution, or both if you're not sure, twice daily.
- If you have a kid going to school (a.k.a. germ factory), once daily doses of each Solution will serve you and your children well.
- If you're looking for full seasonal coverage, take both.
- You shop in crowded or popular stores, or malls.
- You work or spend time in an environment where you come in close contact with a lot of people daily (school, dentist office, auto shop, massage centers, health practices, airport, train station, grocery store, restaurant, yoga or exercise class, etc.)
- You are visiting a friend in the hospital.
- You or your kids spend time in a gym, locker rooms, community swimming pool, etc.
- You or a parent live in a poly-amorous senior retirement community. Take both daily.
- You travel outside of your usual environment. Take both daily.
- You use public transportation (bus, train, taxi, Uber). Take both.
- You are travelling by plane or meeting friends or business associates in airports.
- You stay in hotels when travelling.
- You are a socialite, visit bars or clubs, or you frequently attend concerts or parties. (Or you're not a socialite, but you attend every big movie "opening night" at the cineplex!)
- You're having surgery or just had surgery, or you receive regular medical treatments.
- There's an outbreak of _____ [insert the name of the pathogen or disease galloping your way] and you would like to strengthen and prepare for possible exposure.
- And finally, it bears repeating . . .
- If something (anything) has SNAFU'd health-wise for you, take both of these Solutions twice daily.
- Getting the idea? Like we said, the Virus Solution and Bacteria Solution each have remarkably expanded patterns.
PIC Hints & Tips
Be sure to include these two Solutions in your PIC List testing. We've updated the PIC checklist, to download and copy for free as needed, here.
More good news: There is a good chance that taking these two Solutions daily will simplify your PIC List testing results.
This is different: If you are doing a PIC test for your animals, the environment or a soil-less garden, these two Solutions should NOT be included in the testing. Skip them on the checklist.
Read more about the microbial impact on health and the environment.
A 2-oz / 59ml dropper bottle will last one person about 2 to 4 months. An 8-oz / 236ml refill bottle will last four times longer and is more economical in the long run.
Bottle Math Info
Weight: 160g / 320g / 450g / 900g
When to take your Perelandra Solutions and Essences
© Copyright Perelandra.
With kind permission from Perelandra, Centre for Nature Research.