Indications - for anyone who finds it difficult to express their true feelings in an openhearted way, especially in close relationships. Promotes the ability to feel free to be yourself. From the perspective of the soul the personality is a vehicle for the expression of its love and light on the physical plane of existence as well as a means of gathering experience and knowledge. This requires that all channels of communication are fully functioning at a personality level, particularly the ability to allow openhearted communication with others. This essence will help to dissolve any blockages in the heart and throat chakras that are preventing honest and loving self-expression, particularly in close relationships. Not only will this greatly enhance your ability to communicate with those with whom you share your life, it will also promote a greater degree of communion with your soul.
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Combination of:- Blue Quartz, Aquamarine, Campanula, Chrysoprase, Kunzite & Cosmos. weight: 70g / 28g
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