Indications - for those who experience volatile emotions, excessive mood swings or difficulty remaining calm and balanced in emotionally charged situations. The ability to stay emotionally balanced and calm no matter what the situation might be around us is an important element in developing positivity. If we are uncomfortable with the expression of our own emotions, especially those that we consider less than positive, they end up becoming buried, which can create imbalances in the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Common experiences of this problem are feelings of over sensitivity and vulnerability to other people’s emotions or the general sense that you are always on an emotional roller coaster ride. This essence will help to promote a gentle release of buried emotions creating a foundation for greater emotional balance and a release of physical tension in the stomach & solar plexus areas.
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Combination of:- Evening Primrose, Kerria, Moonstone, Pearl, Pietersite & Octahedron. weight: 70g / 28g
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