In brief:
- OsteoTrace bone and body food supplement was designed by a naturopathic doctor and osteopath to combat his own worsening arthritis (successfully).
- The inclusion of three milligrams of boron in each tablet followed his discovery that the lower the levels of boron in the earth and water of a region were, the higher were the levels of arthritis in the population living there
- The other fifteen nutrients OsteoTrace contains were selected specifically with bone health in mind, but are also good for the body as a whole, making it a powerful and cost-effective daily multi-vitamin as well

Dr. Rex Newnham Phd
naturopathic doctor
homeopath, nutritionist
soil and plant scientist
R.I.P. 2008
Introducing OsteoTrace Bone and Body Food Supplement.
OsteoTrace was developed by Dr. Rex Newnham after he had identified a conclusive link between (i) low levels of boron in the soil and water of a region and (ii) raised levels of osteo/rheumatoid arthritis in the populations living in that region.
Many, many people now use OsteoTrace for arthritis and osteoporosis care, including McTimoney Chiropractor Marianne Woollhead, who introduced it to us, and recommends it to both her patients and fellow therapists.
Boron and arthritis
In parts of Australia, for instance, where the drinking water contains high levels of boron (seven parts per million), there is no arthritis in either humans or animals. In Israel, where the soil contains high levels of boron, arthritis runs at 1%. These compare well with the US, which has both low water and low soil boron levels, and an arthritis rate of 20%.
In their tribal lands the Zhosa people of South Africa are blessed with high-boron water. Only 3% of its people suffer from arthritis. When members of the tribe move into the city for work, their arthritis levels quickly rise to those pertaining in the city. Those that return to the tribal lands regain the low risk of arthritis they originally had. Those that developed arthritis in the city see their arthritis diminish of disappear once home. In parts of the world where boron intake (from both food and water) is under one milligram a day, arthritis levels generally run between 20% and 70%.

Dr. Newnham's research
In countries with adequate levels of boron in the soil, like most parts of the UK, the US and Australia, eating good levels of fresh organic vegetables and fruit would provide 2-5 milligrams (mg) of boron a day. The way most of us now eat, and the synthetic chemical fertilisers most of our farmers use, means that the average intake in more industrially developed countries is 1-2mg a day. People living in institutions may get a little as 0.25mg a day.
The chemical fertilisers make it more difficult for plants to take up the boron in the soil. We eat too many over-processed foods. We discard the cooking water of vegetables, rather than add it to a gravy.
Adequate boron levels in the body are important to many body functions, but OsteoTrace has been developed particularly to promote healthy bones and joints. None of the sixteen nutrients in OsteoTrace should react with any medication or drug. They should all be present in the vegetables and fruit we eat.
(i) with the Devil's Claw and Horsetail removed (sadly) to satisfy the requirements of the European Union Supplement Harmonisation Programme, and
(ii) with 10mcg of vitamin D2 added (a) to compensate for the loss of the Devil's Claw and Horsetail and (b) because adequate concentrations of vitamin D in the blood are essential to bone reuptake of calcium.
The current full list of ingredients in each tablet is now therefore ...
Boron (Di Sodium Tetraborate)
Boron not only increases bone hardness and relieves arthritic and rheumatoid pain, but also helps the body convert vitamin D2 into vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D the body uses to:
absorb calcium from food, to prevent loss of bone mineral density and osteporosis
protect against (e.g.) colon, breast, prostate and ovarian cancers, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, seasonal affective disorder, acute lower respiratory infection, obesity, type 1 diabetes and depression...
B Vitamins aid amino acid metabolism, a key factor in bone and tissue reparation. They also help people with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis because they can reduce edema, pain, joint stiffness, sensory numbness and tingling. Specifically:
Niacin (B3 (Nicotinamide - 10mg) helps the body's enzymes digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It also improves blood circulation and reduces blood cholesterol
Vitamin B5 (Calcium - D - Pantothenate - 9mg) is very effective for joint pain
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride - 10mg) helps build up collagen
Vitamin B12 (B12 preparation - 3mcg) activates the enzymes which help maintain good cell health, especially that of red blood cells
Vitamin C (Magnesium ascorbate and Calcium ascorbate - 200mg) helps to prevent inflammation at the joints.
Calcium (Calcium ascorbate- 83mg) protects against osteoporosis and is essential to optimal bone health.
Copper (Copper citrate - 81mcg) helps the body absorb iron from food and turn protein into muscle. It also works with vitamin C to help the body form elastin, an important part of connective tissues, and promotes healing in general.
Vitamin D2 (D2 preparation - 400IU/10mcg) plays an important role in calcium absorption and bone health
Magnesium (Magnesium ascorbate - 12mg) helps disperse calcium throughout the body Inadequate levels of magnesium leads to low calcium levels.
Manganese (Manganese citrate - 4.5mg) helps with the formation of connective tissue and is
essential to strong bones.
Molybdenum (Sodium molybdate - 25mcg) helps the body absorb nutrients, remove toxins, and is essential for normal sexual function.
Phosphorus (di Calcium phosphate - 68.6mg) works with zinc to help maintain bones and teeth.
Selenium (L-Selenomethionine - 30mcg) is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps maintain tissue elasticity and slows the ageing process.
Zinc (Zinc citrate - 5mg) is key to many body functions, including physical development and growth, wound healing and good enzyme functioning.
Kelp (7.5mg) is a good source of iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium and other trace nutrients.
Each tablet also contains a little cellulose, maltodrexin, silica and protein coating: The maltodextrin is maize-based and therefore gluten free. The protein coating is made from zein, which is made from maize gluten meal which, despite its name, contains no gluten, i.e. gliadin or glutenin.
There is no lactose in the formulation.
Suitable for vegans
OsteoTrace is suitable for vegans. It contains no gelatin, gluten, wheat or lactose.
Dosage and course
A pot of OsteoTrace contains 90 tablets - one month's supply. Dr. Newnham recommended three tablets a day (with a meal) while restoring boron levels and one tablet a day with a meal maintenance thereafter. He cautioned that, in cases of long-term boron deficiency, it can take up to three months to restore adequate levels. So his recommended doses were ...
Therapeutic dose for adult humans – three tablets a day, taken with meals
Maintenance dose for adult humans – one tablet a day, taken with a meal
Therapeutic dose for adult non-human mammals – one tablet per 25 kilograms bodyweight a day, taken with meals
Maintenance dose for adult non-human mammals – a third of a tablet per 25 kilograms bodyweight a day, taken with a meal
Dr. Rex Newnham RIP
Dr. Rex Newnham was in his nineties when he died (in 2008). He took OsteoTrace daily, as a preventive measure, and was completely free of bone and joint problems and hale and hearty until a couple of weeks before his death.
weight: 120g