A soil-less garden can be your job; any of the creative arts; your home and family; a business during the development, building and maintenance stages; large and small building projects; a classroom for both teacher and student; a research project; a report or paper . . . It can also be a personal goal such as putting together a wedding or anniversary celebration, an important gathering, buying a home, getting the best mortgage for that home, and figuring out the best thing to do to assist a spouse, child or other loved one in need. For example, your project may be what you can do to help a spouse or child with drug problems. This is a project with a goal. Everything pertaining to that goal needs strong order, organization and the correct life vitality. And it can all be greatly assisted, clarified, balanced and strengthened with ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens.
Nature defines "form" as a reality where there is order, organization and life vitality (action) combined with a state of consciousness. In a soil-less garden, the project we are working with must have order, organization and life vitality in order to exist. We humans supply one half of the consciousness by giving a project its definition, direction and purpose or goals. Nature intelligence supplies the other half of a project's consciousness by supplying all the matter, means and action that are needed to meet the project’s goals. Every activity, element, structure, idea and thought must, by definition, contain order, organization and life vitality. Projects — whether personal or professional — with all their activity, elements and structures are as alive as any garden growing in soil.
ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens was specially created by nature to repair, balance and strengthen the order, organization and life vitality of the many areas and elements that make up a soil-less garden. In other words, this ETS Plus is like a balancing and strengthening tonic for your project. You can approach your project with ETS Plus in two ways:
1. It can be used to establish and maintain overall general balance throughout the project’s development and operation. 2. And it can be used to establish balance, clarity and strength for any specific problem areas from a project’s inception and throughout its development and operation.
1. It can be used to establish and maintain overall general balance throughout the project’s development and operation.
2. And it can be used to establish balance, clarity and strength for any specific problem areas from a project’s inception and throughout its development and operation.
By using ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens to monitor, repair and maintain balance, clarity and strength, our personal and professional projects will develop and function with greater clarity and ease.
In short, by using ETS Plus for a project, you can eliminate problems or blocks and the resulting hair-pulling frustrations that can occur while trying to get a project up and keep it operating successfully. In their place you will experience an amazing, exciting adventure as you and nature work together to create something that fully reflects your definition, direction and purpose for each project.
Contents Perelandra ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens has been created by nature from a combination of electrical infusions from 122 different plants, minerals, natural gases and elements found in the sea, atmosphere and on land. During the production process, Machaelle works with nature to combine the components needed. In the first phase of the process, nature restores each element back to its original state of balance, thus eliminating any damage that has been caused by environmental breakdown and human interference. This allows ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens to be made with balanced and "clean" ingredients. And it enables the elements to release their original balancing properties to ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens when applied. In the next phase of the production process, the balanced electrical patterns for each of these elements are combined. The somewhat explosive result is a completely new, single, complex electrical pattern that has as its foundation the patterns from all the elements required for the ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens. ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens electrical patterns are then released to and stabilized in water. It is preserved in brandy. It is a natural product.
If none of this makes sense to you, just remember that you probably don't understand how your microwave or television works, yet you can use them quite successfully. With ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens, you may not understand how this thing is produced but, like the microwave, you can still use it successfully and with excellent results.
ETS Plus for Soil-less Gardens is environmental and security-device protected and is not affected by environmental pollution or travel security procedures.
We can't say how long a 2-ounce bottle will last because it depends on how often the person is consciously working with a soil-less garden and how much interference and disturbance that project is experiencing.
weight: 160g
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